Has it ever happened to you that you made some progress and awesome things started to happen only to drift into your old patterns within a week or month? Paradigm inertia is a real thing. As you do these manifestation techniques which I shared in this module, you will start to ascend and experience changes fast. The challenge is to sustain this new reality of yours and not drift back into your old patterns. For that you need to have a good idea about what is a paradigm shift.
The main reason why people are stuck is not because there is some outside force at work here. Instead, people themselves have given their power away to external forces. They’ve chosen to not own up to being the source of all experience. Also, practically speaking, because people are so used to thinking, feeling, acting, dressing, and speaking in the same way, year after year, is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to get past the inertia. And, they’ve invested so much mental energy in this paradigm that it becomes difficult to let go of this reality to ascend further into better realities.
One needs to understand that people at different levels act, think and speak differently. It is such a mind-bending thing when you truly realize it. If you are thinking of upgrading yourself, you need to understand that you have to let go of the tendencies of your current self, and only then can you transform into the person who attracts the events and things that you desire. That is why it’s called a paradigm shift – not just a behavioral shift or thinking shift but an entire paradigm shift. That is the only way a real change happens.
Also, this is why for a long time I kept falling onto older paradigms because I wasn’t aiming for complete transformation. Literally, you have to be a different person. Because your current you is not one who will have the things you desire.
How to Make a Paradigm Shift
Before to start shifting paradigms, a mind-bending insight you need to realize is whatever you do, you will do more of that. So, if you are constantly struggling to think that one day you will get to celebrate – that day will never come. Because whatever you do, the universe will present more of those situations in the future. So, you’ve to start celebrating now. Appreciate the things around you now. The universe, by the law of attraction, will bring more events and circumstances for you to celebrate and be grateful for. That’s how this works!!
Manifestation Technique: Scripting
The most powerful thing you can do here is called scripting. Right as you are sitting here listening to this audio clip: celebrities, high-performance athletes, CEOs, etc., and so on are using this technique to carve their future out of nowhere.
How this scripting technique works is: let’s say you want a supercar Lamborghini, for instance. Now, you’ve to write a script where you would describe your life in the present tense and how it is going to appear once you’ve got that Lamborghini manifested. Here’s the script I would write: I am happy and grateful that I own an amazing bright black colored Lamborghini and it feels amazing. I am driving around the town and people are staring at my car in awe, and so on. When people ask me about it: I give them the advice to follow your passion and trust in God. My parents and friends are proud and everyone who met me would talk about it. And, on and on and on.
And, once you’ve written the script you can keep it in your wallet or purse till it becomes a part of your subconscious. Also, you’ve to run that script in your head several times throughout the day, for example when you are taking a shower or just getting bored. That is the scripting. I don’t know any technique that is more powerful in bringing your dreams closer to you!
This technique gets your feet into the new paradigm. But, you also need techniques that do not let you fall into the frequency of the previous paradigms. Atleast, in the initial time period when you have just shifted into a new reality.
Manifestation Technique: Switch Words
Whenever during the day you start to feel low or a bit drift into your previous patterns, you need to use switch words, this is the first technique. Switch words are the words that switch your frequency into the one you’d like to tune into. There are Vedic switch words & Italian switch words. You can find your own and the best is if your guru directly gives it to you. But, here I am going to share 3 powerful switch words that have helped me. One is count, count, count. You say that imagining a 500 rupee note. Second, is Shreem Brjee. It is for Goddess Mahalakshmi. You’ve to chant Shreem Brzee. Third, is Proso Piyare. It is an Italian switch word, said to bring opportunities.
Just whenever you feel like you are losing your frequency, you have to start chanting mentally. And, if you want to do this as a practice, Vedic switch words are to be done 108 times and Italian switch words are to be done 51 times.
Manifestation Technique: Self-conscious Based Visualization
So, that is one technique to solidify your new reality or frequency. Another powerful technique is called Self-conscious based Visualization. This you have to do before going to sleep. In this visualization, you are to align everything that happened throughout the day towards your desire. Because it is true.
Here’s how this works. Let’s say you are looking for a new job and today you gave an interview and did not work out, so at night before going to sleep, you are visualizing as if you got the job and you are happy and thanking everyone. Or, let’s say you were working on your business and you are not making any sales or your customers are not happy, so you have to sleep visualizing as if your business is going perfectly, all your customers are happy and thanking you for your service. You are thanking Goddess Mahalakshmi for her blessings.
Another cool example. Let’s see you went to the gym today and you could not hit that new PR in bench-press, you’ve to go to sleep believing you hit the PR, everyone around is amazed, your gym trainer is proud. So, you do this self-conscious based visualization and experience how magically the world shifts around you.
Stop Tolerating What Is Beneath You
Lastly, an important concept you need to understand in this domain of paradigm shift is the concept of “Tolerance”. You always get in life what you tolerate. You will only keep falling into your previous paradigm – if you are okay with living in that paradigm. If you are okay with being poor, it does not matter if you get some money temporarily, you will again become poor. That’s how it works. So, any mental concept to work with frequency is to have high standards or high tolerance for your frequency. You need to fight for that desired frequency of yours. No matter what to the best of your ability do not allow your frequency to drop!
These 3 techniques that I’ve shared in this module are some of the most life-transforming techniques you’ll ever find in this world. This is like a secret-society level of stuff. Only thing now left on your part is to apply them and see their magical effects. Let’s go!