There is no other emotion or feeling that is capable of bringing more of an extraordinary positive transformation in your life as much as gratitude. Every great change starts with gratitude. It is the vibration of receiving. When you start to be grateful for what you already have, you open all doors for abundance. That’s the power of gratitude.
The inversion of this is also true: if you are not grateful for what you already have, they will be taken from you! This is straight from my personal experience – for a major portion of my life I started to take things for granted – the bike I was driving, the place I was living, everything, the money I was making – I took everything for granted. So I lost them all. Because I did not know back then the power of being grateful!
The moment I started being grateful for what I had left with, I got everything back and much more. That is the power of gratitude. Everything starts with gratitude. I truly wish God blesses you guys with so much abundance that there’s no breath you take that you are not grateful for God.
Manifestation Technique: Counting Your Blessings
The first technique to solidify the principle is called counting your blessings. It is very useful if you are stuck somewhere or in a bad relationship. What you are doing is writing down everyone and everything you are grateful for and the reason why. For example, number 1, I am grateful for the amazing computer I have that allows me to work on what I am passionate about. Number 2, I am grateful for my coach who has taught me so many amazing things. And, so on, you get the idea.
Even people who hurt you or you would consider negative, you atleast can think of positive things in the person or out of your interaction with the person. For instance, I thank my ex who has taught me the importance of having boundaries. I am grateful for my rude boss who taught me through contrast how a leader should actually behave with their colleagues. I thank my first job even though I was paid low, it taught me some important corporate values like work ethic and so on.
Likewise, whenever you get 5-10 minutes of free time, you can start counting your blessings in your diary. You have to mentally say words of appreciation for everyone that crossed paths with you in your lifetime. This may seem a very simple technique but don’t underestimate it because practicing gratitude is immensely powerful.
You can even do that in your head while walking (often called the Gratitude walk) or every time you climb stairs on every step, & so on. Being grateful never goes to waste!
Manifestation Technique: Ho’oponopono Prayer
The second technique I would like to share in this module will push your manifestation powers even to greater heights. The technique is called Ho’oponopono prayer – it is a Hawaiian prayer that clears roadblocks and resistance that you may have inside you on your path to abundance. This is one of the most powerful techniques.
The prayer goes: I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, & I love you. It combines the power of forgiveness + gratitude + love all at once. (forgiving your past & yourself is equally powerful) Isn’t that awesome? So, when you do Ho’oponopono prayer, make sure you are creating that feeling of forgiveness towards yourself and others who might have hurt you, along with of course, the feeling of gratitude and love!
You can watch and listen to the affirmation of the Ho’oponopono prayer daily on YouTube if you want. That helps. What I personally do is I combine this with my guidance meditation which I discussed in the first module.
This becomes my daily morning ritual at the start of the day and it is unbelievable how amazing my rest of the day becomes. Those 3 are some of the most powerful techniques and when applied with the right context and understanding backing it, is life transforming.
Everyday It’s Getting Better & Better
So, as you practice the above techniques, you will start to see that your life becomes better and better with every passing moment. And, it transforms faster that you can notice. Before you know it, you will be living a new a life & ponder how did this happen? You can easily look back & find out it was because it you’ve now mastered the power of gratitude. Chao!