Six Laws of Manifestation (Best of Reality Creation Mastery) 

laws of manifestation

Every research I’ve done all these years, the experiences I’ve had, & the lessons I have learnt have been crystalized and inferred into the following laws of manifestation. These laws of manifestation are a game-changer. 

If you can only see how these laws work in your day to day life and at the macro-level and just align yourself with them, you can achieve impossibles & beyond that. 

Now, there will be nothing that is going to be beyond your reach. So, what are you waiting for! Let’s jump right into exploring these laws of manifestation.

First Law: God is the Ultimate Decision Maker

If something is happening in your life is because God didn’t mind it to happen. If something is not happening in your life, that is also God’s will.

In other words, understand the role of guidance in your life. You need to be channeling more & more divine guidance into your life. That is, you have to constantly increase your intuition & be more and more perceptive because this is a journey. 

Practice: do guidance meditation every morning where you share with God what you feel right now very honestly. What you are struggling with. And, ask for his guidance. And, end the meditation with the feeling that you are being guided. Then, get on with your day.

Second Law: The Law of Subjectivity

Everything manifests in your life in accordance with who you are & what your beliefs are. If a manifestation technique worked for someone else, does not mean it will work for you as well. That is because you are a different individual!

Practice: Ask yourself what is your purpose? What is it you actually want & be clear with that? So, that the universal powerful forces can rise up to match what you truly want. Then, every manifestation technique you do will vastly more powerful.

Ask yourself these 7 questions to find your calling

  1. What does your ideal reality look like?
  2. What can you do for the next 5 years with zero expectation that you will be paid anything for it?
  3. 100 years after you are dead, how would you be described in the history books?
  4. Which work gets you excited the most?
  5. What is the one thing you always wanted to do?
  6. How would you like to be remembered – what is the legend of you?

Corollary of the second law: The Law of polarity

The universe will give you contrast i.e., negative experiences if you are not following your true calling, so that you can readjust and realign. 

Third Law: The Law of Attraction

Like attracts like i.e., the circumstances & events you experience would just reflect the essence of who you are. The dominant part of you, the essence of who you are is responsible of all your manifestations that you see around you. 

It is based on a more primary law of the universe that is law of vibration. Everything in this world is vibrations. So, vibrations of the same frequency will be able to perceive & experience each other. Any person, thing or experience that is different or outside your vibration will not be present in your reality. 

Practice: ask yourself who you are? Who do you think you are? What are your thoughts, feelings, beliefs & actions? What do you really desire? And, who do you have to be to manifest all the things you want?

And, as you uncover truths about you, you will realise why certain things are happening in your life as you change them, things will start to change. 

Corollary of law of attraction: The Law of Assumption

If you can act as if your dreams are already fulfilled means you have a different order of belief about who you are than what your current reality is showing. Then, very soon you are going to see the world around you change to reflect that belief. 

Fourth Law: Law of Rhythm/Cycle/Patterns

The law states that everything in universe happens in cycle.

It does not matter how much you work hard & how many techniques you do, if it is not the right now, it will just not work. The timing is very crucial. There is a reason why Mahakal is so revered & he is all-powerful! 

You need to understand & have an appreciation for the timing of the universe. There is a cycle to the universe. There are rhythms and patterns of the universe. If you are practitioner of reality creation mastery, you should be able to observe these patterns & start to fine-tune your actions in alignment with them. 

Secondly, you are not just aligning yourself with the larger patterns, you are also creating small rhythms in life so that you can follow through. You are creating momentum of change & transformation and seeing yourself through that. 

Fifth Law: The Law of Amplified Compensation

If you do more work than you are paid for, you will be given more money (by the universe) than you compensated for the work you did. Or, say you gave more money than you are charged for, that extra money that you gave as compensation will return to you amplified. This is one of the most powerful laws of manifestation!

Give a Little to Get a Lot. The concept is called “Giver’s Gain” in networking and business circles.

Practice: Give more than you are asked for. Give bigger tips. Always give more money that you are charged. Always do more than you are asked to do for other’s benefit. Provide more & more.

Sixth Law: The Law of Correspondence

Whatever you want, you must give first. If you ask, you must be prepared to give. That is the principle at work here. Even better would be if you can help others get what you wanted to have in the first place. 

If you want to be healthy, you should help other become healthy. Give people good food. If you want to be successful, help other become successful. If you want money, help others get more money. Basically, the principle at work here is: the World is a reflection.

Practice: whatever you want or desire right now (money, love , health, etc.), help others get the same to the best of your capacity. That’s it. 

Laws of Manifestation in Action (Summary)

Now, that you are aware of all the laws of manifestation, your job from on is aligning every thought and action with them. That is how you become powerful force of the universe. An unstoppable force that manifests whatever he or she wants fast & in an effortless manner! 

To summarize the above laws, if you a) align with your true purpose b) embrace guidance in your life c) have the belief that you already have what you desire d) observe & follow the larger rhythms of life e) give beyond expectations f) help others get what you want in the first place, you will become a powerful manifestor & have everything you ever want & more! 

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