To understand this question, you need to understand the core of how manifestation works. With manifestation, you cannot dictate external events as you want (not necessarily & not directly – but it can happen, & often does!).
However, you can manifest events that will bring you the essence of what you are feeling when you manifest. That’s how it works.
To Explain With An Example
So, if you play a lottery with an absolute feeling that you have won it. That you are now richer, more abundant, more of a winner feelings!!
Then, external events will have no choice but to reflect that. Now, winning the lottery is not about winning the lottery – the game you are playing. It is about winning the lottery of life. If you understand that, it will be a game-changer!
Understanding This Law of Increasing Returns
So, if you risk some amount, say in a lottery, as in the above example case, the money is not wasted on the ticket. That’s where the people miss it.
Those will be coming with massive returns!
Of course, that’s not a green card to take part in betting & gambling. But, you understand my point. Your intention and effort no matter how small in the direction of manifesting an awesome lifestyle is never wasted. Because you created that feeling of winning the lottery. The feeling of abundance!
So, external events are sure to come, one or another. If winning the lottery is the best & right way for the universe to manifest that at that time, you will win that too!
That’s how it works 🙂
Gratitude to my mentor for the wisdom: Anjana Reetoria – Change Your Mindset Change Your Life