There are three laws of manifestation. It is important when you are manifesting something, you act in accordance with these laws. Then only your manifestation can come out successfully and very fast. The Second Law of Manifestation is about understand the fact that manifestation is personal. So, you need to own it, own the process and only then it is going to work out for you!
Now, let’s jump right into learning about the second law of manifestation which is called the “Law of Subjectivity“. So, make it your priority now to understand this law & align yourself and your activities in accordance with this powerful law.
What is Second Law of Manifestation?
The law states that your manifestation will come true in accordance with your subjective reality. If a person does some ABC technique to manifest something, does not mean if you do the same it will work for you! The reason because both of you are different individuals and have a different life path.
How you uniquely you interact with the universe, who you are, what your desires & passions are, your beliefs (which includes your superstitions as well), how you interpret the universe’s signs – all of that factor in how events and circumstances will line up in your life for things to manifest. This is the law of subjectivity.
How This Second Law of Manifestation Works
Just to give a relevant example, if you happen to see and believe “11:11” is a good sign, you will start to see those more often in a flow, which may be a sign of the universe guiding you in the direction of your dreams. It is a personal belief & now because a lot of people believe that, it has become part of what Carl Jung calls “Universal Unconscious” and now it works for everybody! So far so good.
But, people miss it when it comes to macro stuff like the truth of who you are right now and who you truly wanna be. What is your true calling in life?
The Universe may keep on bringing you contrast after contrast (contrast as in negative experiences) no matter how many manifestation techniques you do till you stumble upon something that you truly wanted to do in life, maybe ever since childhood which you have neglected. Then, everything changes. That’s why it is so important to figure out what you wanna really do, which Napoleon Hill calls the ‘Definiteness of Purpose’. The sooner you realize that and surrender yourself to the cause, so to speak, the quicker you see all the amazing things start happening in your life!
This is why you see people stuck in their lives and they keep on doing one manifestation technique after another and nothing seems to work and they end up believing this manifestation stuff is all pseudoscience. It is not! You just haven’t realized this Law of subjectivity.
The Universe’s Dilemma
If we dig deeper into the law, it gets even more interesting. Say, if you don’t follow the law of subjectivity then you always keep the universe in dilemma. If you want something you desire but say the fulfillment of that desire is not aligned with your truest authentic desire – your calling, then you leave the universe in a dilemma.
Because on the one hand you are asking for something so it is your right as a manifestor to have that but on the other hand, if the Universe gives you that, you will go further away from your life’s purpose. You see the Universe’s dilemma. (By the way, this is where the concept of contrast comes in why universe brings in negative experiences which are nothing but contrast so that you can realign yourself with your
In that case, from what I have seen and experienced in various cases, the universe may or may not give you what you want! That is why it is so important that if you desire something make sure it is aligned with your bigger goals, your calling, and your purpose. I am using these words, all of which mean the same thing, to hit home the point of understanding your place in the grand scheme of things – your true calling!!
Simple Classic Manifestation Technique of Journaling
So, one thing you should do in order to truly align yourself with this law is to do diary writing and introspection – at least 10 to 15 minutes, on a daily basis. Where you are constantly asking yourself a chain of questions – who am I? What do I want? What do I truly desire? What do I truly wanna be? What is the one thing if I do in this lifetime, I won’t regret at the time of death? What should my legacy be when I leave this planet earth? And so on. You should do this in real time like your life depends on it. Because it does!
And, you do this everyday, and you make your answers more and more precise and clear. Keep doing it so intensely that your dreams and goals stay on the top of your head throughout the day. You dream about it. You talk about it. And, once you reach that level it is only a matter of time before you see them manifesting no matter how big your goal may be!