Abundance is not about possession – it is a frequency. Frequency of Abundance. You can call it money frequency. Understanding that frequency is not that difficult if you are not trying to make it complex with jargons & intellectualizations.
The best way to understand frequency is vibrational health. Yes, like you have physical health, there is vibrational health, which in fact is more fundamental.
At any point in time, you are vibrating at a particular frequency. And, situations and events will appear to match that frequency. That’s just how it works. That is an energetic perspective on the law of attraction.
Now, if you have shifted your frequency recently, and it may not reflect in the surroundings immediately, the law of attraction is always at work and sooner than later the external surroundings have no choice but to mirror that.
Now, how to understand this frequency better? What constitutes this frequency that we are talking about? The frequency is determined by your quality of feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and actions. (Energetically, these 4 are the same energy but different forms of manifestation) They all signify at what frequency you are vibrating.
If you want to attract wealth and vibrate at a frequency of abundance, you need to work on Feelings, Thoughts, Beliefs, and Actions. You can remember this acronym – FTBA. Whenever you don’t feel abundant, you need to work on either of these areas. I’ve already shared several techniques to tune your feelings, thoughts & beliefs before. Here, I’ll share some behavioral or external remedies to tune into the frequency of abundance.
Technique which is a Non-technique: Service
The first thing you have to do is become a value-providing machine. Not because you want something in return but just ‘because – you have so much value. Naturally, you would want to provide a lot of value to society. That is why it is not really a technique. You will observe the people who have abundance, they naturally provide value and share with others with an open heart. They don’t need some ethical belief which states that you should be helping others. It is overflowing – their cup is full. They’ve no choice but to share with others.
Now, if you are just starting your journey, I am not asking you to do charity in large sums. Start small. Start by helping your friend if he or she needs something, teaching something to a toddler, or feeding stray dogs. There are countless things you can do to the best of your ability. Not because you are expecting something in return, but because you like sharing.
What happens here energetically is this frees up all the stuck energies in your frequency and puts you more in a receiving mode! You start to become a more tuned vessel to receive abundance from the Universe.
Behavior of the Rich
There are several other behavioral things you can do that will shift your frequency into abundance as follows.
For instance, whenever you are shopping or taking a service, don’t take the change. Say for instance, you take an Uber ride and it costs somewhere around 300, you can give 500 and just say: keep that change. Or, say you’ve gone grocery shopping and the bill is 150 just give the shopkeeper 200 and say keep the change. Tell them some reason: today you are in a good mood or say something good has happened today. Give some reason, so that you are not making the other feel bad about keeping the money.
This will bring magic to your life, I am telling you. And, don’t ask for rates when you go shopping (if you are worried about the budget, you can look at the price charts online & then go shopping). Let’s say, you go to a store to buy something – say a T-shirt or maybe some street food, just ask them to “pack the item.” Don’t go on asking for rates or negotiating – that is such an Indian middle-class behavior. Do you think that Ambani goes on asking how much for Pani puri? He doesn’t. So, if you wanna be Ambani, act like Ambani.
Yes, on your journey to riches, you’ve to consciously let go of all these scarcity behaviors that you have picked up from here and there consciously and unconsciously from people around you. If at all you find something that is outside your budget, just tell yourself “I am looking for something better.” Don’t tell yourself that you cannot afford it, or you are poor, or get into a negative spiral. Give heavy tips whenever you go to restaurants, and always be the first person to help in terms of money in your circle. That’s how, over time, you condition your mindset for the riches.
Maintaining the Frequency of Abundance
Thirdly, you can have certain songs on your playlist that always keep you in that right frequency of abundance. Whenever you are in a good situation, everything is going awesome, your mood is amazing, choose and listen to only 2-3 songs on repeat to condition your mind to believe that you play these songs whenever things are going good for you – like an anchor.
Personally, my 3 favorites that I listen to when I need to fix my frequency are: first, Money Keeps Coming to Me, second, Lakshmi Ashtakam – particularly the one by Participants Of South India Female Choir, that one, and third, Ekadantaya Vakratundaya Song. Whenever I listen to these 3 songs, I feel immensely powerful, abundant and my frequency is on point.
You can select your own songs and always have them up your arsenal. So, next time if you feel a dip in frequency and things are not going alright, you can listen to those songs on repeat again and again and saturate your mind so much with these songs that even though externally it may not seem that you are doing well, internally & vibrationally your frequency is shifting and very soon before you know it, the external world will reflect your internal world.
To Conclude
Abundance is a different world altogether, a different dimension. Once you enter it and you realize the ins & outs of it, there is no going back. That’s true! If once you are able to tap into that frequency of abundance, your life changes very fast & quite magically!!
Gratitude to my mentor for the wisdom: Anjana Reetoria – Change Your Mindset Change Your Life