What Do Objects Around You Remind You Of? (Feng Shui Tips)

Image displaying a room decor as per Fengshui

Are the objects around you directive of where you want to be and what you want to manifest? Or, does it display scarcity? Discover powerful feng shui tips here to transform your life!

You see I’ve seen people who say they want to manifest an amazing future but they continue to surround themselves with objects that keep reminding of their unwanted past. 

You are constantly manifesting. The law of attraction is working all the time. So, the objects around you are constantly affirming who you are and what you deserve! That’s right. 

This is why people who are rich people are constantly surrounded by paintings that seem so grand. It is all about grandeur and in return that grandeur is reflected in their lives! 

Let’s Get Deeper Into It

The let’s sentence of the previous paragraph has already given you an idea of how to hack this principle. 

So, if you spend 90 percent of the time fixing your internal (and you should), you should spend 10 percent of time fixing your external. By external, I don’t mean your circumstances. I mean, how the physical space around you looks like. This is a great way to repetitively imprint your subconscious mind on what you want to manifest! 

How to Apply Fengshui Principle?

Now, let’s get to an action plan on how to utilize these feng shui tips, shall we? 

  1. There should be at least one thing in your room (wherever you spend time throughout the day) that reminds you how rich and awesome you are (because that’s true!). It could be one really expensive item like a Versace perfume or a Gucci bag that you had bought that was way beyond your means. And, you are constantly tuning your vibration to the vibration of that thing. 

2. Any object around you that is bringing your energy down. Anything that is reaffirming your past (which you do not want to re-manifest again in your life) must be discarded. You have to let go of not just the past, but any objects that remind you of the past. Or else, how are you going to move ahead in life? Creation does not require the past. 

3. If you like to travel then this tip is for you so that you can manifest more such extraordinary trips! Every time you go somewhere bring something back with you so that it keeps reminding you of that place. You may already be doing that. But, next time, I would like you to do that deliberately. Get something that captures how magnificent your travel destination was. 

Final Word

Thus, you should surround yourself with objects that keep reminding you of where you are going. Your purpose, your calling. Keep reminded of things you are going to manifest for sure. 

And, very quickly, before you even know it, all your manifestations will become true! 

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