If you don't shape reality, the reality will be shaped for you.

Category: Uncategorized

Paradox of desire
The Paradox Of Desire (Why Being Needy Hurts!)

First of all, we must address is the thing about worthiness or being worthy. This is something people most struggle with. The truth is your internal reality creates the external reality. So, if you don’t believe you are worthy of something, that thing won’t manifest no matter which technique you do. Even I personally had […]

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What is a Paradigm Shift?
Manifestation Techniques
What is a Paradigm Shift? (How to Manifest Anything)

Has it ever happened to you that you made some progress and awesome things started to happen only to drift into your old patterns within a week or month? Paradigm inertia is a real thing. As you do these manifestation techniques which I shared in this module, you will start to ascend and experience changes […]

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What is Reality Creation
What is Reality Creation? | Becoming Powerful Reality Creator

Firstly, thank you for investing time for yourself to study about this most amazing concept I have ever come across i.e., manifestation. So much so, it has become my purpose & my motto. To find out what is reality creation will be most iconic highlight of your life & there is no turning back! I […]

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The images shows a person pondering which signifies worry involved with manifesting your dreams
How To Not Lose Your Manifestation! 

This is something I see every day. And, it is so simple but people still make this mistake. Now, because the law of attraction is acting all the time, there is a potential for paradigm shift all the time, likewise. And, when it does happen, you also lose it automatically. So, you should be aware of how to not […]

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Importance of Gratitude
How Gratitude Ties Into Manifestation? | Is Being Grateful Necessary?

To truly unleash the magic of gratitude is not to do it as a technique (may in the beginning) but to truly feel that what an awesome universe God has created

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The image describes a natural setting which signifying the natural order of things.
Not Knowing This Powerful Law of Nature Is Preventing Your Manifestation

If you understand it from a Vedic perspective, there are eight forms of Lakshmi (Ashtalakshmi) and one of the forms of Lakshmi is Dhanya Lakshmi  

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