Author: NavneelAlvarez

Law of Attraction Stories
How Olympic Athletes Manifest Success to Become Legends

Stories like these are what get me going. You have no idea how many successful people around the world have used the powers of manifestation and crafted their success. This is also true about how Olympic Athletes manifest success. We so often attribute the success of an athlete to their hard work, the efforts of […]

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laws of manifestation
Manifestation Principles
Six Laws of Manifestation (Best of Reality Creation Mastery) 

Every research I’ve done all these years, the experiences I’ve had, & the lessons I have learnt have been crystalized and inferred into the following laws of manifestation. These laws of manifestation are a game-changer.  If you can only see how these laws work in your day to day life and at the macro-level and […]

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Paradox of desire
The Paradox Of Desire (Why Being Needy Hurts!)

First of all, we must address is the thing about worthiness or being worthy. This is something people most struggle with. The truth is your internal reality creates the external reality. So, if you don’t believe you are worthy of something, that thing won’t manifest no matter which technique you do. Even I personally had […]

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the power of gratitude
Manifestation Techniques
The Power of Gratitude (How to allow amazing things to happen!)

There is no other emotion or feeling that is capable of bringing more of an extraordinary positive transformation in your life as much as gratitude. Every great change starts with gratitude. It is the vibration of receiving. When you start to be grateful for what you already have, you open all doors for abundance. That’s […]

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Second Law Of Manifestation
Manifestation Principles
What Is The Second Law Of Manifestation?

There are three laws of manifestation. It is important when you are manifesting something, you act in accordance with these laws. Then only your manifestation can come out successfully and very fast. The Second Law of Manifestation is about understand the fact that manifestation is personal. So, you need to own it, own the process […]

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What is a Paradigm Shift?
Manifestation Techniques
What is a Paradigm Shift? (How to Manifest Anything)

Has it ever happened to you that you made some progress and awesome things started to happen only to drift into your old patterns within a week or month? Paradigm inertia is a real thing. As you do these manifestation techniques which I shared in this module, you will start to ascend and experience changes […]

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Commitments With the Universe
Manifestation Principles
Making Commitments With the Universe (Guaranteed Way to Manifest Desires)

This is one of the techniques that guarantees one’s manifestation particularly if one is trying to create something out of nowhere – something huge and not just want to manipulate the physical world. This will enable the creative forces to work at maximum capacity. Let’s say someone wants to build a 100+ crore business, start […]

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Frequency of Abundance India
Manifestation Techniques
Tapping Into The Frequency of Abundance | How to Manifest Effortlessly

Abundance is not about possession – it is a frequency. Frequency of Abundance. You can call it money frequency. Understanding that frequency is not that difficult if you are not trying to make it complex with jargons & intellectualizations. The best way to understand frequency is vibrational health. Yes, like you have physical health, there […]

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What is Reality Creation
What is Reality Creation? | Becoming Powerful Reality Creator

Firstly, thank you for investing time for yourself to study about this most amazing concept I have ever come across i.e., manifestation. So much so, it has become my purpose & my motto. To find out what is reality creation will be most iconic highlight of your life & there is no turning back! I […]

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How to Manifest Your Dream Job
Manifestation Techniques
How to Manifest Your Dream Job | Manifest Something Fast! 

So many people want to get their ideal dream job. However, if you think about it one percent of the people around the planet are actually doing what they love to do. Why most of people are clueless on the topic about how to manifest your dream job? Not to mention there is such high […]

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